Wednesday, August 11, 2010

baby food eating from 4 months to 8 months of age.

Do NOT feel as though your baby should be eating solid foods according to any schedule. Your baby will eat as much solid foods as your baby needs - trust your baby cues. Start out slowly and let baby take time to taste and experiment with the food.

Pay attention to your baby's cues. She may want more if she continues to lean in for the spoon, opens her mouth or tries to grab the spoon and bring it to her. She may be finished when she turns her head away, clamps her mouth shut or cries as the spoon comes close to her. Don't fret if there's leftover food in the bowl and never force your baby to eat "one more bite" when she indicates she's finished.
Our menu sample is for example and idea purposes. You should always feed your baby according to his or her needs and cues and not strictly by any chart or schedule. You should look to charts and schedules as examples and for ideas about feeding your baby; following any chart or offered schedule may not be suitable for your baby's particular circumstances and needs.

4-6 month old babies will likely be eating between 2 and 4 ounces of food per day. Some 4-6 month old babies may not have started solids at all.

At 6 or 7 months old, some infants may eat 4-6 ounces of food per day while babies who are just starting solids at 6 or 7 months of age may be eating only 1-2 ounces per day.
Remember the 4 day wait rule when creating a menu plan for your baby and offer only those foods that your baby tolerates well.

Following any chart or offered schedule may not be suitable for your baby. Our menu sample is for example and idea purposes. The menus are geared to give you ideas of what types of food you could serve at different meal times to get a good balance of nutrients and variety. These menu suggestions assume that you have introduced the stated foods and that you have waited the proper time period to detect an allergic reaction.Do NOT feel as though your baby should be eating solid foods according to any schedule. Your baby will eat as much solid foods as your baby needs - trust your baby's cues.

Breast Milk and/or Formula are THE MOST IMPORTANT sources of nutrition for your infant up to 12 months old. Do NOT replace a nursing or bottle-feeding with a solid food meal and do not feed the solids first until your pediatrician indicates this is right for your baby.

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