Friday, August 6, 2010

The Food Guide Pyramid was designed to promote healthy nutrition in children

These changes will improve federal child nutrition programs so that they can feed more children and provide more nutritious food.

In a city where every third person fed by a soup kitchen or food pantry is a child, many aren’t receiving free or reduced price school meals. Even though they are the children most at risk of hunger, one third of children fed at emergency feeding programs in New York City do not receive free or reduced-price school lunch and only about half get school breakfast.

and that many of these children will pay the costs of an unhealthy diet down the road.

School meal programs can provide more than half the food children eat each day for the majority of the year. By improving these programs, we have a huge opportunity to make sure children in New York City and across the country get the healthy food they need. The NYC Alliance for Child Nutrition Reauthorization has developed an outline of needed changes that we support at City Harvest.

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